Starting in the middle.

Hi! My name is… Well it’s really not super important. For the purposes of the blog I’ll go by Nine. It’s a nickname from childhood and it works well enough as an online moniker for a blog.

I’m the 31-year-old mother of four. Gosh that feels weird to write. I still feel like I’m 16 most of the time. Often I look at the young humans life has entrusted to me and am amazed. Sometimes it’s a “wow I’m so lucky!” amazed and sometimes it’s “what on Earth were we thinking?!” kind of amazed. I am a geek and proud of it. I come by it naturally, since both of my parents are fairly geeky, with my mom being slightly geekier than my dad. I enjoy board games, Dungeons & Dragons, video games, Magic the Gathering, sci-fi/fantasy shows, and reading. I also dabble in photography when I have the time.

My husband is J, who is a 30-year-old tinner apprentice. We have been together for 10 years, married for 8. He’s about as geeky as I am which is why we get along so well. When it comes to Magic the Gathering, he’s great at brewing new decks and figuring out the best mix of cards for a person’s themed deck. He also has a weird memory for maps in his head where he can remember what the map is in almost any video game he has ever played. A skill that has come in handy for me a few times when he has played through a game and I need to know how to find something for gameplay. He has been the DM for most of our D&D sessions and is always up to play board games. He’s also a great dad and a supportive spouse, so all around I’d say I won in the husband selection.

My oldest is six. For the purposes of the blog, let’s just use his first initial: M. M is a sensitive, smart, mature six year old. He’s pretty much always been a rule follower and interested in what I’d consider more educational pursuits. Which is not to say he doesn’t like to run around outside too! He knew his alphabet by 2, though, and his colors shortly after. He thrives on order and almost always has an idea running through his head. M also loves Minecraft, Lego, and playing dress up games with his brothers. He’s in first grade and currently homeschooling, with intentions to return to public school next year when we aren’t in a pandemic.

My second born is a four-year-old named R. He’s the one we call – with both love and frustration – the tornado. He feels emotions deeply, quickly, and energetically. This means that if he is feeling angry, he’ll be quick to slam one of his brothers to the floor. When he feels loving, he has a hard time not hugging someone. If he’s upset, he’s bawling or yelling emphatically that it isn’t fair. Parenting him has been far more of a struggle than M, because he doesn’t believe in rules really unless they are being applied to help his cause. We are working on how he expresses his emotions in a more productive way. He is also a big fan of Minecraft and playing with M.

O is my 2-year-old. He is a fan of his big brothers and turning anything he can into a toy sword. This includes stickers, a plate, a bowl… whatever he finds is apparently a sword. A trait I have heard he inherited from his father. Other than that, he’s a fairly typical 2 year old. Likes to say “no” when told he needs to do something, happily imparts hugs to anyone who wants one, and is learning to use his words to get what he wants.

M2 is my newborn. His first name also starts with an M, hence the name for this blog of M2. Interestingly, he also looks a lot like his oldest brother. We joke that he’s M’s clone or that we stole an extra copy of M from a different timeline. Unlike M, he has an extra thumb on his left hand which is known as polydactyly. We aren’t sure yet if he’ll be able to keep the extra thumb or if it’ll need to be removed. Honestly right now all he cares about is milk and not being put into tummy time.

That’s the basics about me and my little branch of this geekin’ blog family.


Words mean something.  Is that a news flash?  It’s obvious to me, but there are a lot of words whose current meaning would be incomprehensible to someone in 1970.  Take the word “gay.”  It used to mean happy.  Now, kids giggle when they hear a Christmas carol using the word.  How about the word “geek?”  It used to mean freak – as in carnival freak show.  Now, we use it affectionately for those who like technology, games, comics, etc.  The kids we teased in 1975 for their geekiness have taken over.

We used to have to hide our interest in what others found weird.  Now, we can revel in it.  Geek companies like Microsoft, Google and Apple dominate the business world.  Dungeons & Dragons and Magic, The Gathering are no longer games played while hiding in mom’s basement.  Movies and TV shows based on comics (now called graphic novels) are all the rage.  We are no longer embarrassed to admit a devotion to DC or Marvel.  In fact, we argue the merits of our fandom with virtual strangers.

Geeks are an accepting bunch.  We will forgive you if your particular brand of geekiness isn’t the same as ours … even if we don’t get it.  I happen to be a fan of post-apocalyptic sci-fi fantasy books, movies, tv shows, etc.  This includes zombies, vampires, aliens … pick your monster.  I also have an adolescent boy’s taste in entertainment.  I love campy sci-fi movies.  The rest of my family scratches their heads about it, but they will watch the movies with me and we’ll make fun of them together.

Geeks rule the modern world!  What a great time to be alive!